Meet the Founder

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Hello there! My name is Andrew and I am the founder of Refuge Scarf Company. I am a proud husband and father of 2 incredible daughters who calls West Michigan home. As an avid fan of the outdoors and the sport of soccer I wanted a way to combine my interests. I wanted a product that was both functional and aesthetically intriguing, but after searching high and low found little options that hit both of those goals.

I decided to take matters into my own hands and created Refuge Scarf Company and set out to design our flagship national park scarf line. Each scarf showcases unique artwork inspired by the natural landscapes across the United States while using the functional and comfortable form factor of a woven scarf. I wanted to produce a quality product which feels at home on your wall or around your neck. I hope that whether it be at your campsite or your local stadium you use these scarves as a way to express yourself in whatever situation you find yourself in.

Operating Values



We strive to embody sustainability not only with the growth of the company but also in the products that we choose to bring to market. We aim to reduce our impact on our planet with each decision we make, from the shipping materials we use to the manufacturing processes we support. Refuge wants to create not just for today but for tomorrow and the next, creating a legacy for ourselves and our supporters.

Transparency to Refuge Scarf Company means that we approach ourselves and our customers with honesty and authenticity. We want to be a company that is open to feedback at every level and accountable to the customers we serve. We understand that success comes best when we are open to a diverse set of backgrounds and opinions.


In a space of rife with fast fashion and ample waste we seek to set ourselves apart through the quality of our goods, the quality of our interactions and the quality of our character. We want ourselves and our supporters to be proud to wear and display our products knowing that like the company it originates from, the product is designed to last.